
This page allows you to stay up to date on the activities, campaigns, and accomplishments of other Alliance members. By gathering news submitted by members in a centralized place, we ensure better communication across Canada. So, make sure to keep up to date on the feminist law reform activities of your colleagues by visiting this page regularly!

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Please note that the news announcements displayed here were submitted by individual members; they are not necessarily news about the Chanterelle Alliance for Feminist Law Reform. The announcement appears in the language(s) in which it was submitted.

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NAWL receives 2023 Women, Peace and Security Civil Society Leadership Award from Government of Canada

National Association of Women and the Law May 2, 2024
The National Association of Women and the Law is recognized for its work advocating for better protections for victims of domestic violence in gun control legislation.
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NAWL Celebrates 50 Years of Advancing Women’s Substantive Equality

Alliance News
January 17, 2024
The National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is kicking off its 50th anniversary in 2024 by celebrating five decades of landmark law reform, leadership and advocacy to break down barriers to justice and equality for women in Canada.
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Media Statement on the adoption of gun control legislation, bill C-21

December 18, 2023
The National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) welcomes the passing of Canada’s new gun control legislation — Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) – at third reading in the Senate of Canada on December 14th, 2023. It received royal assent on December 15th.
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Feminist organizations launch a new alliance to advance feminist law reform and end gender-based violence in Canada

Alliance News
September 6, 2023
The National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) and Luke’s Place announce the launch of The Chanterelle Alliance for Feminist Law Reform. The Chanterelle Alliance will create the opportunity to foster greater coordination among feminist and equality-seeking organizations in advocating for systemic changes to laws, programs and systems that impact women at all levels of government. The work of the Alliance will be framed by intersectional feminist principles, with an emphasis on anti-racism, anti-oppression and a sincere commitment to reconciliation.
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Luke’s Place Position – Criminalization of Coercive Control

June 15, 2023
While our work at Luke’s Place is focused on the family law needs and experiences of women who have left relationships in which they were subjected to abuse, we are well aware that other legal systems intersect with family law. For this reason, we have been paying close attention to the issue of whether or not coercive control should be criminalized.
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Pass it NOW! Bill C-22: Canada Disability Benefit Act

Submitted by DAWN Canada May 5, 2023
DAWN Canada’s CEO Bonnie Brayton had the opportunity to speak to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology about Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Benefit Act, which would establish a new benefit for working-age people with disabilities. DAWN Canada urges the Senate Committee to pass this legislation without amendments.
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Une coalition d’organisations féministes et de femmes demande au chef du NPD Jagmeet Singh de respecter son engagement envers un meilleur contrôle des armes à feu

Submitted by The National Association of Women and the Law | L'Association nationale Femmes et Droit (NAWL/ANFD) April 25, 2023
Les groupes se réjouissent du soutien du chef du NPD envers la mise en application urgente des recommandations de la commission d’enquête sur la fusillade de masse en Nouvelle-Écosse, étant donnée l’absence de support concret du parti envers les efforts du gouvernement d’interdire les armes à feu de type armes d’assaut et les armes de poing dans le projet de loi C-21.
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NAWL takes a stand against victim blaming

April 11, 2023
Mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence are often accused of being “alienating” in family court. In December 2022, the National Association of Women and the Law submitted a brief to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to fight back against this phenomenon. Twenty-eight Canadian organizations endorsed our submission!
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