Advocacy Director, Pamela Cross new member of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC)

February 11, 2025

By Luke's Place


Luke’s Place is proud to announce that Advocacy Director, Pamela Cross has been named to the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) of Ontario.

The Ontario Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) was established in 2002 in response to recommendations that arose from two major inquests into the domestic homicides of Arlene May and Gillian Hadley by their former male partners. The purpose of the committee is to assist the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario in investigating and reviewing deaths that occur in the context of domestic violence and form recommendations to help prevent similar tragedies in the future.

“It might sound odd to say that I am excited by this opportunity to pore over the details of deaths of (mostly) women who have been killed (mostly) by men who – at least at one time – said they loved them, but I am. I truly believe in the possibility of change for the better or I wouldn’t have been doing the work I have for the past few decades. I am hoping that my seat on the DVDRC, alongside fellow committee members who also share a commitment to making positive systemic change, will allow me to apply what I have learned to this new context.” -- Pamela Cross

Read more about Pamela’s new membership with the DVDVC